Things I use but often forget.
Cleanup before a merge request
Squash commits (interactive)
git rebase -i HEAD~3 --autostash
Effect: rerun the 3 last commits.
Do: follow the interactive indication.
Prefer fixup
to stash
to put one minor commit into another.
Prefer --force-with-lease
to --force
when pushing.
Rewrite commits
git reset (--soft) HEAD~3
Effect: remove the last 3 commits, but keep the changes
use –soft to keep the changes in the staging area
Do: create new commits
Change last commit message
git commit --amend -m "New Message"
Cheery pick some changes
git cherry-pick <SHA-1>
Use --no-commit
or -n
to pick the change without committing.
Quick stash
works with most of the commands.
Does not work with checkout, so:
git stash && git fetch && git checkout my_branch && git stash pop
Download a single file
git fetch --all
git checkout origin/myBranch -- my/file.cpp
Files with details
ls -hal
Change permissions
chmod -R 755 /var/www/html
MODE in octal notation is handy but cannot do incremental change.
chmod +x my
See the official doc for more variable expansion.
getValue or default
getValue or default and set
If MY_VAR is not set, it is set to the right side.
Expand if not empty else nothing
Expand the right if left is set and non-empty. Otherwise expands to nothing
echo ${string:7}
>>> 7890abcdefgh
echo ${string:7:2}
>>> 78
echo ${string:7:-2}
>>> 7890abcdef
echo ${string: -7}
>>> bcdefgh
$ echo ${string: -7:2}
$ echo ${string: -7:-2}
Get the length of a variable
Find unused dependencies
./mvnw dependency:analyze
If the dependency is not used at compile time, the plugin will state a dependency is not used. To mark a dependency as used:
Find dependency updates
./mvnw versions:display-dependency-updates
Find dependency conflicts
./mvnw dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=org.eclipse.jetty:::
Use includes
to filter.
Static Analysis
Run infer on maven project
infer -- ./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
JFR profiling
For a short running process
-XX:StartFlightRecording=settings=profile,filename=test-run.jfr,dumponexit=true -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=stackdepth=128
Check ANSI SQL conformance:
- [2016](
- [1999](